Arrived Safely In Germany…
Alright…I am having one of those wake up in the middle of the night jet lag spells…so I thought I would post a quick entry about our first day…
I am, of course very tired as usual after a safe but very bumpy airplane ride from Chicago to Frankfurt. The weather when we landed was cloudy, foggy and cold, about 32F… basically just like home…
Once we got our luggage we drove for about 90 minutes through I think…the Black Forest and the foot hills of the Alps, to our Hotel…I write…I think…because it was so foggy that it was hard to see anything…or maybe that was the jet lag…I’m not sure…
After we arrived at our Hotel and had some lunch we ran over to the venue just to take a look at our space…Our venue this year is huge…It is hard to image now, but this, what used to be huge air plane hanger turned huge venue, will be transformed into a worship center in the next couple days….
After checking out the venue, everyone from the event met up at 6:30 p.m. and went out for dinner…That’s when the real catching up began… I’ll spare you the details of the evening, but let’s just say I under estimated just how much I missed my old friends in Germany…
For those who know Elias Zimmer…You will be happy to know know that he is now engaged, and he couldn’t be happier…He is doing great at work as well and life is great. It was also great to catch up with Daniel, Hartmut, Stefan, Oli and soooo many others in Germany… It was also great to see Shana and Marty, and many other Willow friends who flew in from Chicago and other parts of the States for the event.
I pray for safety, focus, wisdom and a sense of real community in Christ as we begin our week together…both in Germany and Switzerland… work day will begin at just under 4 hours from now…when hopefully, I will be able to set up an internet connection at the venue for us to start streaning…better get some sleep…