Dominican Republic 2008 – Day 3
Today was a day filled with challenges. First…
We are experiencing significant trouble with the s800i Digium Appliance. Most outbound calls get fast busy…sometimes calls go out…but rarely.
Tested lines directly and calls work all the time. We isolated wiring to remove cable variables. The phone service itself works fine. However, when we connect the Digium Appliance to the mix…fast busy.
I sent emails out and already I am receiving help…Wow…I would also like to thank Brett Rogers, a network engineer from Willow Creek, for joining us on GoTo meeting to help.
Armand is having trouble with the Ncomputing devices. Three of the computers we are trying to use are only supporting a single x550 card…This will amount to 5 works stations from 1 computer instead of 10. Needless to say…this is not acceptable. Arman will be calling Charlie from Ncomputing to see if there is anything we can do.
I know this should work. We do have one computer here that seems to work very well with all 10 attached.
Perhaps tomorrow will be another day.
Day 3 Morning…
We got off to a great start looking back on some highlights from the day before.
Day 3
Technology Challenges…
Mike Gold
July 6, 2009 @ 11:09 am
My sincere apologies for taking so long to reply to this request…unforgivable…
So for my experience with Ncomputing has been great, they are acceptable support…I say acceptable because sometimes they get overwhelmed to requests…but they are responsive and knowledgeable.
I have had the best experience with the X350 out of all of their products. You do have to think differently about how you do labs though. It has been helpful for me the groupings of several computers connected to a X350 host as one unit. This is so helpful when it comes to managing USB support and other resources. I also think it is good to think differently about how people access files and media. Connecting to internal and/or external streaming media is much more effective than sharing DVD video or CD ROM based media. In my opinion there are many better options to share media more effectively over a network anyway.
In summary… I have experienced some limitations/challenges in the X350 series, however, I am way more attracted to the cost savings, power savings, supportability and over-all scalability of this platform than I am repelled by its limitations.
I hope this information is helpful…