Content is Still King
While doing some research today I was lead to a post on The post highlighted a study presented by the Online Publishers Association and Nielsen/NetRatings which stated the following….
According to OPA, about 34 percent of Internet users’ time was spent reading content in 2003—at that time, content came in second to “communications,” which measured at 46 percent of Internet users’ time. However, as of May 2007, OPA reports that those numbers have practically reversed: content now commands 47 percent of Internet users’ time, and communications only 33 percent.
“The IAI has identified a very significant and sustained trend in where consumers are spending their online time,” OPA president Pam Horan said in a statement. “The index indicates that, over the last four years, the primary role of the Internet has shifted from communications to content.”
According to the study the increased access to the internet worldwide has caused a shift in activities we normally reserve for offline. So apparently we are going online to get simple info like movie listings, news, weather, etc.